Alzheimer’s Dementia is treatable

It just takes 21st Century Medicine


This is Lexus, she is New Zealands first Alzheimers assistance dog. She is my wifes dog, Ann is one of the first people in the world to survive end-stage Alzheimer’s”

People hear the word Alzheimer’s” and make sympathetic noises. Their mindset on Alzheimers is fixed, Anns dying and its sad news.

I dont think you heard me, Ann is recovering from end-stage Alzheimer’s… and its no accident”.

I have this conversation daily as Lexus and I, now often with Ann in her wheelchair, walk about the town. Ann went into full-time care with advanced early-onset Alzheimers four years ago and, despite the best attempts of the Alzheimers medical establishment, has survived and improved albeit seriously disabled at this point.

Three months after her admission, Ann was assessed by a consulting neurologist as having three to six months to live, his words at the life insurance assessment consultation, She definitely wont survive six months”. Six monthswas three years ago, March 2018. Ann has improved beyond recognition and were planning to bring her home later this year.

In 2012 at the time of Anns Alzheimers diagnosis, she and I entered a world of medicine mired in a hopeless, fantasy-based, drive to find a cure for Alzheimers, a magic pill. For those with a passing knowledge of the science behind what causes Alzheimers, this is a deluded and homicidally dangerous groupthink that is killing millions of people every year. Hundreds of drug trials and billions (yes billions) of dollars spent and the magic pill is no closer. A handful of medications are registered with the FDA (around five) with no discernible or lasting effect on cognition or life expectancy for Alzheimers sufferers. Despite this these expertskeep doubling down on the hunt for a cure.

We know that humans are subject to illogical groupthink, but these medical people are professionals with many patients coming to them every year for help only to be told were the experts and nothing can be done. Think on this, if you take your car to an expert, service technician, and you were told were the experts but we dont fix any cars, youd go elsewhere. Similarly, if your auto service technician was as vague and slap-dash as these doctors, youd fire them on the spot. Your service technician uses sophisticated data analysis covering all the functions of your car, an Alzheimers specialist uses vague guesswork and collects very little, if any, meaningful data.

Ann was lucky that access to Doctor Bredesens ReCode protocol became available in New Zealand just before she went into care. We found out what was wrong and how to treat it, but by then she was in the clutches of the Alzheimers medical establishment. Weve spent the intervening years at war with these expertsand Ann has suffered as a result. Despite a dramatic turnaround three months into Anns time in care, a rest home doctor ignored test results and sabotaged her well documented treatment program supported by over 70 scientific papers spanning 20 years. Ann has suffered hugely as a result, so much so that her final state of recovery is unlikely to approach a semblance of normality.

Enough of the negative stuff: Anns survived where 25 million others havent, and thats a wondrous thing! 25 million? Every year 7-8 million people are diagnosed with Alzheimers and its increasing. Its a fair guess that the same number die annually (end-stage Alzheimers) as very few people live longer than ten years after an Alzheimers diagnosis.

Heres the really good bit: Professor Bredesens teams are achieving a success rate (arrest and reversal of symptoms) in well over 80% of their early-stage Alzheimers patients. Compare that to the expertswith a firm and static score of 0%.

The final takeaway: Doctor Bredesen reports that of the patients they treat, each has a different combination of between ten and twenty five of around forty identified causal factors of Alzheimer’s symptoms.

What is Alzheimers? More on that next time

Also coming: Dr Semmelweiss, a dramatic breakthrough in 1847, history repeats

Kia Kaha (Stay Strong)!
