Homicidal Incompetence!

Homicidal Incompetence In The Alzheimer’s Dementia Medical World is killing millions of people every year.

Today I’m grinding my axe”.

I’m not anti-doctor and am in awe of the huge advances constantly happening in the medical world. The Covid 19 vaccination program is a shining example of what modern medicine is capable of. The Alzheimerss medical world is the antithesis of the Covid 19 story, its still where it was in 1906 when Dr Alzheimer first described the condition. The condition progresses just as it did in 1906, excepting advances in palliative care. All interventions to slow or reverse Alzheimers symptoms are ineffective.

The biggest obstacle to successfully treating Alzheimers is the mainstream Alzheimers medical world, its a tragedy and a disgrace for which the participants should be deeply ashamed.

Ann had a rehabilitation assessment 4 weeks ago and were awaiting the outcome, its our second try, the first being two years ago. The last assessment was unsuccessful despite clear evidence that she was recovering against all expectations, desperately in need of rehabilitation to protect existing physical and cognitive function and maximise her chances of regaining lost abilities.

I wont examine the clear failures by the medical specialists to meet their ethical and legal obligations to Ann, thats a story for another day.

What I am addressing today is my interpretation of why the Alzheimers medical world, despite its miserable failure rate, will not pay attention to the compelling evidence that Alzheimers is treatable, their mainstream methodology is useless and likely to stay that way. Their ignorance is killing millions of people every year.

I completed a science degree with a major in psychology during which I studied the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is an attempt to explain why seemingly rational people maintain irrational positions in the face of clear evidence otherwise. In my latest book I talk about folk predicting the end of the world at a certain date, the predicted date rolls around and life goes on. Rational thinking would suggest the whole proposition was false and these folk could return to normal life. This doesnt happen, the date is shifted and the predictions broadcast with increased fervour. Why is this? Cognitive dissonance theory suggests that to accept the world isnt ending means you also have to accept that you were wrong which can quickly lead to a number of uncomfortable assumptions about your intelligence and gullibility.

Cognitive dissonance in its extreme can lead to perfectly nicepeople doing terrible things. History is replete with examples of people carrying out shocking crimes then going home to cuddle their kids and pat the dog.

In the Alzheimers medical world we have a combination of both factors, irrational beliefs and nice people doing nasty things:

  • hundreds of Alzheimers drug trials have produced a nil result. Despite billions spent and over 99% of trials being abandoned before completion, these folk havent made the logical connection: perhaps our base assumption (amyloid cascade hypothesis) is wrong?Instead they pursue this hopeless quest with increased fervour with yet another a cure is just around the cornerfutile project. Youll see the headlines popping up as these folk attempt justification of their failed research or chase funding for the next expensive time-wasting exercise.

  • These nice people, all the folk who have put Anns life in danger through their incompetence were nice, have a conundrum on their hands. They went into medicine to help people and facing the fact that their patients are guaranteed a lingering death owing to their incompetence, is a bitter pill to swallow. Easier to believe that youre on the right track and doing the best that can be done for your patients, despite this being illogical.

We could view this cognitive dissonance as benign, but its mortally dangerous for Alzheimers patients. As we await the outcome of Anns rehabilitation assessment, I worry about her past specialistsopinions denying her the care she needs. The current specialist is referring to past specialists who in one case nearly killed her (twice) and the other case, denied her rehabilitation in a clear attempt to sweep Anns recovery under the medical rug. Ann presents the Alzheimers establishment with an uncomfortable truth, Alzheimers is treatable and they dont know what theyre doing. Ann is lucky that Im so obstinate, denial of her rehabilitation needs will lead to some very uncomfortable times for her past medicos. This is a promise I make for her sake and the many others who dont have a voice and Ann will get her rehabilitation program.

Cognitive dissonance can also make life dangerous for medical practitioners who dare to follow the science and produce outcomes which highlight the inadequacies of their colleagues. A famous example was that of Dr Semmelweiss during 1847 in a Vienna obstetrics facility. In one month Semmelweiss caused postnatal fatalities in birthmothers to drop by 90%, this by the simple expedient of having attending doctors wash their hands. The response of the medical profession? He was drummed out of the profession, certified insane under suspicious circumstances and died in an asylum. It took the medical profession forty years to finally adopt effective hygiene practices. Dr Bredesen faces the same resistance despite hundreds of published papers and outstanding results for his Alzheimers patients. We have a recent example in our country of an oncologist who had the temerity to merge lifestyle medicine with conventional medical practice and produce profession-leading levels of cancer remission, shes being forced out of the profession.

The point of all this? Kick your Alzheimers doctor off his or her pedestal, theyre useless in most cases. There will never be an effective Alzheimers drug, its like trying to create a pill to cure illness, no amount of hopeful blather from your Alzheimers specialist will change this. If you hear the term randomised controlled trialsin an Alzheimers context, its telling you the speaker does not understand Alzheimers. Ill examine what is happening in the real world of Alzheimers research another time. Ill also tell you where randomised controlled trials do have a place in treating Alzheimers.

Another topic coming: terraintheory versus germ theory and its effect on modern medicines inability to effectively treat chronic complex medical conditions.

Kia Kaha! (Stay Strong)


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