Is It Alzheimer’s Or Is It Dementia?

Most people are confused.

Even though I live in the Alzheimers world, Im a bit hazy about the difference so am attempting to clarify the distinction.

Yesterday I added the Keywords Everywhereextension to my Google search engine and it told me that Im not the only one struggling with the difference. Alzheimers is the most common form of dementia so it follows that most searches of dementia should be about the condition. I checked and Alzheimers searches are around 440,000 per month, dementia searches are around 3,300,000, eight times as many.

What is the distinction? If youd asked me yesterday Id have said Alzheimers is the most common form of dementia, around 75% of dementias are Alzheimers.The percentage estimates vary depending on the source but you get the picture, the majority of dementia cases are Alzheimers. I majored in psychology during my university studies so should be clear on the difference and can now tell you:

  • dementia is a behavioural measure, it describes a number of performance metrics that are not optimal such as thinking, memory or reasoning skills.

  • Alzheimers is described as a disease that causes dementia and represents a large proportion of dementias.

This description of the relationship comes from the Alzheimers Association but theres a big problem with the Alzheimers definition: its not a disease, its a family of symptoms with a good number of possible causes.

In my book Breakthrough, Surviving Alzheimers And Why You Can Too I describe the dead-end that defining Alzheimers as a disease leads to. I use Dr Bredesens metaphor of The Feverview of Alzheimers. In the 19th Century, people appeared to be dying of a single condition, The Fever, actually it was a common family of symptoms with many different causes but the doctors didnt know any better. Alzheimers is the same, Dr Bredesens teams are successfully treating Alzheimers and describe around forty possible causal factors of which each sufferer has a different combination of between ten and twenty five.

I dont use the term Alzheimers Diseasebecause it isnt a disease and the definition leads up the path which has the Alzheimers medical world failing all of its patients. Millions die of Alzheimers every year while these people fiddle about with doomed research projects, it would be comical were it not for the devastating consequences of their incompetence for the sufferers and their families.

I’m titling the condition Alzheimers Dementia from now on, if for no other reason than to reach more people who are Googling for helpful information following an Alzheimers Dementia diagnosis. In the text of my writings read Alzheimer’s” as Alzheimers Dementia”.

Heres my attempt at a definition:

Alzheimers Dementia is a set of behavioural changes demonstrating cognitive decline caused by a selection of possible causal factors. If the contributing factors are identified and treated early, arrest and reversal of the behavioural changes has a high likelihood of success

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Kia Kaha! Stay Strong


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