What is Alzheimer’s Dementia?

It’s not a disease and that’s the important point

In my last post I reported on daily conversations about Lexus and Ann. In the midst of my speech (it is a speech, well rehearsed and repeated often) I use a metaphor:

Do you recall that in the Nineteenth Century many people died of The Fever? The doctors of the day saw a set of end-of-life symptoms appearing to their untutored eyes as a single disease. We now know The Feverwas clearly the bodys response to any number of differing problems, Alzheimers is the same”.

Modern specialists have the Feverview of Alzheimers, they see it as a disease when the science tells us it is a similar appearing set of symptoms with different contributing causes. Why the Alzheimers medical community persists in the Feverview is a conundrum that I will address in a later newsletter, I attempt to explain it in a chapter in my latest book Breakthrough, Surviving Alzheimers And Why You Can Too”.

To answer the question in the title: Alzheimers is the result of the brains attempts to protect itself from a number of insults. The amyloid plaques we hear so much about are whats left after the brain has mounted an inflammatory response.

The smart people go after the causes, the not-so-smart (mainstream Alzheimers specialists) people hold the misguided belief that dealing with the plaques by cleaning them up, or preventing them forming, will solve the problem. Remember the five FDA registered Alzheimers medications? They are reported to do the job required on the amyloid plaques. The outcome for the patient in functionality or life expectancy? Pretty much nothing, possibly a slight temporary uptick with a range of nasty possible side effects.

The root of the treatment problem goes back to the days of Louis Pasteur and germ theory. 20th Century medical practice holds sway today and is rooted in germ theory, fix the symptom and youve fixed the problem. Unfortunately for many suffering from chronic complaints such as Alzheimers, 20th Century medicine doesnt cut it, we need 21st Century medicine.

So what is Alzheimers?

I’m not calling it Alzheimers disease, thats because it isnt a disease, its a family of symptoms, possibly we should call it Alzheimers Syndrome

Simply put, Alzheimer’s symptoms are a result of the brains inflammatory response to a differing combination and number of around forty (identified so far) possible causal factors. Each person that Dr Bredesens teams is treating has a different combination of between ten and twenty five contributing factors. Remember, Dr Bredesens teams are arresting and reversing symptoms in over 80% of their patients, they know what theyre doing.

My wife Ann has the following factors: an HLA gene that predisposes her immune system to an ongoing ineffective inflammatory response (mould induced for her), she is insulin resistant (her brain is starved for energy with a normal diet), she is very low on vitamin B12, she has a number of other nutritional, mineral plus hormone issues and her medical history indicates a predisposition for her complaint (she had chickenpox five times, glandular fever more than once).

Find a pill to deal with the issues facing Ann? There is no way, even imaging you could is plain stupid, based in ignorance, or both. Anns treatment is ongoing and complicated, but has yielded fantastic results, outliving 25 million people with the same syndrome is phenomenal!

The conclusion to all this? With the right medical methodology (21st Century medicine) Alzheimers is most likely treatable. The caveat?the earlier you respond the more likely a positive result.

Please pass this on; everyone who is coming to grips with Alzheimers needs to know what theyre up against and that theres hope. Hope is the one thing that they have had taken away, and thats a crime!

Kia Kaha! (Stay Strong)


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