You Can’t DIY Alzheimer’s Dementia Treatment

But you can project manage it.

I visit a number of Alzheimers social media sites and find them disheartening or frustrating, or both. Im a harsh judge but have saved Anns life (remember shes recovering from end-stage Alzheimers, a one in 25 million event) through being hard-nosed, having a clear vision of the end goal and finding the necessary experts to help. The struggle against Alzheimers is life-or-death and allows for no compromise or doubt.

I feel disheartened when I find sites that are aimed at helping people cope with the inevitabledecline of their loved one. I get it, theyre trying to come to terms with what appears to be an inescapable circumstance but dont understand where their What do you mean nothing can be done, it’s 2021?” wondering has gone.

As a species we are unique in our ability and willingness to change our environment, its baked into our everyday lives. Why not accept that our garden will grow weeds or that our car will lose functions as it ages, its inevitable isnt it? Weedy gardens are anathema to proud homeowners and most of us like our cars multitude of convenience functions to keep going for many years. If these expectations arent met, we actively get the problem sorted. Why should Alzheimers be any different? Alzheimers is treatable in most cases if you act early, you just need to find the right people and thats not difficult when you know who you need.

Bluntly, the above folk are being supine when they should be angry. My action process looks like this: initial anger or frustration morphs into what is the actual problem and who can help me solve it?which then leads to action. This has been a repeated process in Anns and my journey, currently Im preparing a no-holds-barred response if Anns rights to rehabilitation are blocked again as happened two years ago. It could be interpreted as taking namesand theres an element of that. My aim is clear, make it very hard for anyone who gets in Anns way and thus increase her chances of getting what she needs. I also want to help reduce these barriers for others following in our footsteps, its a big mission motivated by an enduring anger at the horrors Ann has faced from the people who should have been helping.

Now to the frustration bit:

Even the sites which purport to support the active fightback against Alzheimers have many posts illustrating that people are trying to DIY an Alzheimers recovery. Inevitably their journey is fraught as they attempt a handful of simple fixes to address a multitude of complex problems. I recently had ongoing correspondence with a woman trying to address her mothers worsening Alzheimers. Despite repeating at every communication that action needs to relate to identified problems, I was bombarded with repeated questions as she disappeared down yet another quick fix-rabbit hole. I repeatedly advised her to seek competent advice which would lead to a full Alzheimers workup, a long and involved process, eventually, my advice was heeded.

Dr Bredesen advises that the Alzheimers patients his teams treat have between ten and twenty five of of a possible forty or so contributing factors. Each person has a different combination, the possible permutations are many. Why would you think you could DIY this?

I often refer to fixing a modern car as a metaphor for treating Alzheimers, I can identify broad symptoms (e.g. its running roughly) and thats where it stops. The first step is analysis (a complex process these days) which identifies the problem. Once thats done I can project-manage the process, in this case I hand the actual work over to the experts but still have budgetary and scheduling oversight. The process is exactly the same for an Alzheimers diagnosis, you know something is wrong, you have it analysed (diagnosed) and then set about organising the recovery process in concert with the required experts. Obviously exactly the sameis in principle only, the steps are a lot more complex, as is the problem.

Youre faced with an Alzheimers diagnosis, what should you do?

  • Ask the question, how much do I love this person?”, what am I prepared to do to save their life?. I cover this in a chapter in my latest book titled Love And The Big Yellow Taxi. If the answer isnt unequivocal join an Alzheimer’s ministering to the doomedsocial media group.

  • Learn what youre up against. If you dont understand the problem, you havent a prayer of getting it sorted. Im near to launching Knowing Alzheimer’s” a short inexpensive online course that will turn you into one of the worlds leading Alzheimers experts (thats no exaggeration). Keep an eye on our website Beating Alzheimer’s for updates.

  • Now you know what youre up against, its time to build a project plan. By this stage, as an Alzheimers expert youll know what this should look like.

  • Build a team, theyre out there and easy to find once you know what youre looking for.

  • Get on with the job and claim your life back.

My message? Accept that Alzheimers is treatable in many cases, stay clear of groups that assume it isnt as theyll destroy your motivation, find out what Alzheimers is and get on with reclaiming your life back. Its really that simple.

Kia Kaha! Stay Strong


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